How to Hook a Shy-man Up

In case you love a man you know doesn't notice you or, perhaps, loves you but doesn't know how to ask you out probably because of his shying nature or status as compare to yours; here's how you'll hook him up and end up being your "SWEETHEART"

Shy men are usually grateful to have you approach them first. They might have developed so much interest in you but they would never feel like making the real thing happen because they can not drum up the nerve to approach you.

Just like some ladies think sometimes that some guys are out of their league, men sometimes feel the same way about ladies. Men like these are mostly afraid of being ridiculed and rejected or insulted. A shy guy may have fear for these in abundance.

Therefore, by approaching him first, you have likely taken that pressure away.

How to Take the Pressure away

1. Firstly, strike up a conversation with him. Invite him for coffee the next day and so on and so forth. Doing these would get you closer and gradually, confidence over you would occupy the fear in his heart.

2. Try making him lough whenever you're together by throwing jokes. Also give him non verbal signs that show that you are really interested in him- Doing these would draw you a little more closer.

3. Walk into the situation knowing that you are beautiful, desireable, funny and intelligent. You may end up being the one to ask him out. A confident woman always looks more attractive. Do whatever it takes to achieve that confidence.

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